Sister Sarah Schwab
Called to serve in the Belgium/Netherlands Mission
Did the age change affect you? If yes, how long did it take you to decide to go?
Yes, it did! I am nineteen. I was at General Conference for the Saturday Morning Session, and it happened to be the only session I attended. I had been praying for direction in my life, and hoped that Heavenly Father would show me the way to go through listening to the words of His servants. Upon hearing President Monson’s announcement, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace from the Spirit, and I knew He wanted me to serve a mission. That day was a happy day for me. My prayer was answered so quickly; I was astonished! I told my parents the next day of my decision.
Yes, it did! I am nineteen. I was at General Conference for the Saturday Morning Session, and it happened to be the only session I attended. I had been praying for direction in my life, and hoped that Heavenly Father would show me the way to go through listening to the words of His servants. Upon hearing President Monson’s announcement, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace from the Spirit, and I knew He wanted me to serve a mission. That day was a happy day for me. My prayer was answered so quickly; I was astonished! I told my parents the next day of my decision.
Did you always want to serve a mission? Why/why not?
I have always been open to the idea, but I always figured I wouldn’t have to make the decision for a couple more years. I just want to follow God’s plan for me.
I have always been open to the idea, but I always figured I wouldn’t have to make the decision for a couple more years. I just want to follow God’s plan for me.
Where did you want to be called? Why?
Well, I studied French in high school and for two years in college, so I felt almost positive that I would be going French-speaking. However, I mostly just wanted to speak another language and/or go to somewhere in Europe. I actually prayed that I would be challenged with a new language and culture, and admittedly, I prayed to go to Europe. My prayers were, yet again, answered!
Well, I studied French in high school and for two years in college, so I felt almost positive that I would be going French-speaking. However, I mostly just wanted to speak another language and/or go to somewhere in Europe. I actually prayed that I would be challenged with a new language and culture, and admittedly, I prayed to go to Europe. My prayers were, yet again, answered!
Was your call surprising? How do you feel about it?
Yes, I was surprised, but while I read it, it felt right for me and the surprise didn’t last long. Opening my call was a great experience of self-worth. I felt a great deal of love from my Father in Heaven, as I read the words “Belgium/Netherlands Mission.” I knew that I was fore-ordained to serve there, because the feeling I felt was as though I had known this for years before my birth. Overall, I felt love.
Yes, I was surprised, but while I read it, it felt right for me and the surprise didn’t last long. Opening my call was a great experience of self-worth. I felt a great deal of love from my Father in Heaven, as I read the words “Belgium/Netherlands Mission.” I knew that I was fore-ordained to serve there, because the feeling I felt was as though I had known this for years before my birth. Overall, I felt love.
Share an interesting missionary experience or story.
I have had a couple close friends of mine who I have tried to share the Gospel with. One of them is going to be meeting with the missionaries this week! The other was baptized. It is extremely scary to share the Gospel! Especially with friends! I know that the Lord works on His own time, and through His own way. One thing, I can testify, is that Heavenly Father knows when someone is ready to hear the Gospel. He knows when someone feels ready to come back to it, as well. The joy that I have felt through the success and progress of my friends is unlike anything. It erases all fear and sadness. I can’t wait to be able to feel that joy every day on the mission.
I have had a couple close friends of mine who I have tried to share the Gospel with. One of them is going to be meeting with the missionaries this week! The other was baptized. It is extremely scary to share the Gospel! Especially with friends! I know that the Lord works on His own time, and through His own way. One thing, I can testify, is that Heavenly Father knows when someone is ready to hear the Gospel. He knows when someone feels ready to come back to it, as well. The joy that I have felt through the success and progress of my friends is unlike anything. It erases all fear and sadness. I can’t wait to be able to feel that joy every day on the mission.
Why are you serving?
At first, it was out of obedience. The Spirit told me to serve a mission, so I followed that prompting. Then I realized that Heavenly Father has prepared me for a mission for a long time. As I worked on my papers, and the days before I received my call in the mail, I started to find out for myself why I was to serve a mission. Now, I am serving not only by faith, but by choice, because I have an absolute knowledge that this is the one and only true Gospel on the earth. I want others to partake and recognize the love Heavenly Father has for all of His children, and for them to know of His great plan for them! I want to be an instrument in God’s hands as I find those ready to hear His word.
At first, it was out of obedience. The Spirit told me to serve a mission, so I followed that prompting. Then I realized that Heavenly Father has prepared me for a mission for a long time. As I worked on my papers, and the days before I received my call in the mail, I started to find out for myself why I was to serve a mission. Now, I am serving not only by faith, but by choice, because I have an absolute knowledge that this is the one and only true Gospel on the earth. I want others to partake and recognize the love Heavenly Father has for all of His children, and for them to know of His great plan for them! I want to be an instrument in God’s hands as I find those ready to hear His word.
Any advice for future sisters or girls still deciding?
My only advice for my fellow future sisters who have their call or who are waiting for their call is this: Remain worthy to serve, and help your friends to do so, as well. It is important that we stay focused and ready within the last few months, weeks, and days before the mission. Also, go to the temple often! I went through the temple about a week after I got my call, and it was one of the best decisions I have made! I feel so happy each time I go, and I feel it is a great way to prepare for a mission.
My only advice for my fellow future sisters who have their call or who are waiting for their call is this: Remain worthy to serve, and help your friends to do so, as well. It is important that we stay focused and ready within the last few months, weeks, and days before the mission. Also, go to the temple often! I went through the temple about a week after I got my call, and it was one of the best decisions I have made! I feel so happy each time I go, and I feel it is a great way to prepare for a mission.
For those sisters deciding whether to serve or not: Don’t feel pressured to go! I know you’ve probably heard this a million times; that it’s not required for sisters to go. Even still, your answer will come, in time. Don’t feel rushed!
Any other thoughts?
I have failed a lot in my life. But one thing that I realized within the last year of my life is that faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ, has never failed me. When I have put my trust in Him, I have been rewarded beyond belief with blessings. When put to the test, blind faith has led me to where I am, and I am so grateful that Heavenly Father gave me the strength to be here.
I have failed a lot in my life. But one thing that I realized within the last year of my life is that faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ, has never failed me. When I have put my trust in Him, I have been rewarded beyond belief with blessings. When put to the test, blind faith has led me to where I am, and I am so grateful that Heavenly Father gave me the strength to be here.
--Sister Sarah Schwab
I'm so excited to serve with this cute lady! For more information on our mission you can click around the blog you're on right now ;) OR you can check out President and Zuster Robinson's mission blog here!
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