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As Sisters in Zion: Sister Peacock

We're getting down to the end here... I'm sad! Only a couple more after this cute sister!
In happy news though, I officially have TWENTY days until I leave! Haha.
Enjoy this lovely lady's story!! And be sure to check out her blog!

Sister Cheri Peacock
Called to serve in the New York New York South Mission

Did the age change affect you? If yes, how long did it take you to decide to go? 
It didn’t affect me age wise because I was 22. But it was during October’s General Conference that I decided to serve a mission. In a way, the age change did influence my decision. I kept thinking how lucky these young sisters were, but I realized I could still go, even at an older age.
Did you always want to serve a mission? Why/why not?
I can’t say I always wanted to serve. It seemed like an amazing opportunity and blessing, but I wasn’t sure it was for me. I was in a serious relationship at 20 and thought it would lead to marriage. When it didn’t work out (a month before I turned 21), a mission was the LAST thing I wanted to do. But, a year after we broke up, I realized a mission would bless my life more than anything else.
Where did you want to be called? Why?
I minored in Spanish in college and was hoping to use it on a mission. Although I studied abroad in Spain, there were also many stateside missions that interested me. I wanted to go to Boston, New York, a visitors center (like Washington, D.C.), or Spain.

Was your call surprising? How do you feel about it?
It wasn’t surprising at all. I felt I would be called stateside, though many people guessed South America because of my background in Spanish. New York was a place that had come to mind, and when I opened it, it was simply perfect. I LOVE the Big Apple and can’t want to share the gospel. The only surprising part was my departure date. I opened my call Dec. 6 and wasn’t to leave until April 3. I assumed that because I was older and had my availability date as Dec. 14 that I would leave MUCH sooner, but it’s all in the Lord’s timing, as I’m learning.
Share an interesting missionary experience or story.
In college, I had a friend who grew up in the church but was inactive. We became better friends over two years and he was able to confide in me. I was scared to invite him to church or bring up the church because I knew he was inactive. Being in Utah, I assumed he knew where the institute was and could go to church, if he wanted. I learned, through him, that sometimes it takes is a friend to invite you. I eventually invited him to institute and was SHOCKED when he came! He didn’t come every time with me, nor did he make it to church every Sunday, but he was willing to come. While he has not fully returned to the church, I know that by reaching out and being a friend, many will want to come unto Christ. He often told me that he noticed something “different” about me. He said that I seemed happy and that he wanted it too. People notice. Never forget the example you might be to someone, even if you don’t realize it.
Why are you serving?
I’m serving because I know the church is true. I have a testimony of the gospel and know that through the Atonement, we can be healed, saved, and made whole. I want other people to feel Christ’s love and I want them to know that they can be with their families forever. I want to bring the peace of the gospel into others’ lives.
Any advice for future sisters or girls still deciding?
Deciding to go on a mission is personal. It’s not mandatory and you shouldn’t feel obligated to go just because you’re 19. In the same respect, if you want to serve a mission and feel that you can’t because you are older, GO. That was the best advice I got as I was deciding to serve. It doesn’t matter WHAT age you are. You can always serve the Lord. Make it a matter of prayer and service. He’ll answer you.
Any other thoughts?
I blogged more in depth about my mission experience. You can read it here!

--Sister Peacock

For more information on the New York New York South mission, check out Elder Hogge's mission blog!


As Sisters in Zion: Sister Schwab

Sister Sarah Schwab
Called to serve in the Belgium/Netherlands Mission

Did the age change affect you? If yes, how long did it take you to decide to go? 
Yes, it did! I am nineteen. I was at General Conference for the Saturday Morning Session, and it happened to be the only session I attended. I had been praying for direction in my life, and hoped that Heavenly Father would show me the way to go through listening to the words of His servants. Upon hearing President Monson’s announcement, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace from the Spirit, and I knew He wanted me to serve a mission. That day was a happy day for me. My prayer was answered so quickly; I was astonished! I told my parents the next day of my decision.
Did you always want to serve a mission? Why/why not?
I have always been open to the idea, but I always figured I wouldn’t have to make the decision for a couple more years. I just want to follow God’s plan for me.
Where did you want to be called? Why?
Well, I studied French in high school and for two years in college, so I felt almost positive that I would be going French-speaking. However, I mostly just wanted to speak another language and/or go to somewhere in Europe. I actually prayed that I would be challenged with a new language and culture, and admittedly, I prayed to go to Europe. My prayers were, yet again, answered!

Was your call surprising? How do you feel about it?
Yes, I was surprised, but while I read it, it felt right for me and the surprise didn’t last long. Opening my call was a great experience of self-worth. I felt a great deal of love from my Father in Heaven, as I read the words “Belgium/Netherlands Mission.” I knew that I was fore-ordained to serve there, because the feeling I felt was as though I had known this for years before my birth. Overall, I felt love.
Share an interesting missionary experience or story.
I have had a couple close friends of mine who I have tried to share the Gospel with. One of them is going to be meeting with the missionaries this week! The other was baptized. It is extremely scary to share the Gospel! Especially with friends! I know that the Lord works on His own time, and through His own way. One thing, I can testify, is that Heavenly Father knows when someone is ready to hear the Gospel. He knows when someone feels ready to come back to it, as well. The joy that I have felt through the success and progress of my friends is unlike anything. It erases all fear and sadness. I can’t wait to be able to feel that joy every day on the mission.
Why are you serving?
At first, it was out of obedience. The Spirit told me to serve a mission, so I followed that prompting. Then I realized that Heavenly Father has prepared me for a mission for a long time. As I worked on my papers, and the days before I received my call in the mail, I started to find out for myself why I was to serve a mission. Now, I am serving not only by faith, but by choice, because I have an absolute knowledge that this is the one and only true Gospel on the earth. I want others to partake and recognize the love Heavenly Father has for all of His children, and for them to know of His great plan for them! I want to be an instrument in God’s hands as I find those ready to hear His word.
Any advice for future sisters or girls still deciding?
My only advice for my fellow future sisters who have their call or who are waiting for their call is this: Remain worthy to serve, and help your friends to do so, as well. It is important that we stay focused and ready within the last few months, weeks, and days before the mission. Also, go to the temple often! I went through the temple about a week after I got my call, and it was one of the best decisions I have made! I feel so happy each time I go, and I feel it is a great way to prepare for a mission. 

For those sisters deciding whether to serve or not: Don’t feel pressured to go! I know you’ve probably heard this a million times; that it’s not required for sisters to go. Even still, your answer will come, in time. Don’t feel rushed!
Any other thoughts?
I have failed a lot in my life. But one thing that I realized within the last year of my life is that faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ, has never failed me. When I have put my trust in Him, I have been rewarded beyond belief with blessings. When put to the test, blind faith has led me to where I am, and I am so grateful that Heavenly Father gave me the strength to be here.
--Sister Sarah Schwab

I'm so excited to serve with this cute lady! For more information on our mission you can click around the blog you're on right now ;) OR you can check out President and Zuster Robinson's mission blog here!


As Sisters in Zion: Sister Laudie

All right, everyone. I've got a sad but also sort of exciting announcement! I've decided that I'm now going to post a feature every day I can until I've finished the ones I've got, because I decided that I really need to cut down on internet time the last couple weeks before I leave. 

I've loved doing this series (shout out to Mo who came up with the brilliant idea and invited me to co-host in the first place!), but I really need to focus on studying and other preparations. I hope that the series has been beneficial to you readers, and that you've enjoyed reading these sisters' stories! I know that I really have.

As of tomorrow I have three more weeks, my friends. :) 22 days from today.
...I'll write about that excitement later!

Without further ado -

Sister Nicole Laudie
Called to serve in the Massachusetts Boston Mission

Did the age change affect you? If so, how long did it take you to decide?
Yes, it did, actually. I was 19 when President Monson announced the age change, and I turned 20 in January, so I get to go a little earlier :)

Here's my decision story (it's a little long, so I'm sorry!):
Well, first off, let me just tell you that I am a planner. I am a questions person, and a details person: I ALWAYS have questions and am looking for details.
Since before high school, and then the years following, I had questions about which high school to go to (I had two options) about my future major, about boys, about some health issues, about which college to go to, about when I should apply to certain programs, about ALL sorts of things. I prayed and prayed and prayed trying to figure out what the Lord wanted me to do with my life, or to understand why certain things were not working out. Not knowing where my life was going for a while was driving me C-R-A-Z-Y!! I felt like maybe the answer was that the Lord trusted me with my time and decisions. But I still felt like I needed a confirmation of those decisions. But I never felt it.
I didn't give up on God. I knew that someday, somehow he would answer me, or help me see they 'why's'. So, I took some questions to the October 2012 Conference. I wrote down 11 or so!! And I prayed that Heavenly Father would help me know the answers to my questions that I had praying to know for over 4 years. I felt strongly that I needed to go down and watch the session (my family was listening to it on the radio upstairs) with my grandma. I was watching, and listening, and then President Monson got up, and made the announcement for the young men. I was ecstatic! My brother could go earlier (he got his call after me, and left January 9th to the North Carolina Charlotte mission)! I truly was NOT expecting an announcement for the young women, so when he made it, I was in complete shock. I started bawling (and I don't cry too easily, so that was big, haha) and the spirit really touched my heart and mind - it said to me, "Nicole, all your questions are answered. You need to go on a mission." So I turned to the list, and indeed, they were. ALL of them: all of the "why's", all of the confirmations, EVERYTHING was answered with one sentence from the prophet and a prompting from God.
I was scared to DEATH about a mission, but I decided to pray one more time. I said, "Father, I know I'm supposed to go on a mission, but when? Now? After I finish this and this and this?" And I opened my scriptures to 2 scriptures that said, "Start now, don't worry about leaving anything behind." I talked to my parents, who supported me (after making sure I wasn't going just because everyone else was, haha), and met with my Bishop THAT night, and started my papers.
It took me no time at all to know, and was the clearest, most powerful answer I have ever received.
I had been feeling like it was time for me to go to the temple, but I was only 19, and not close to marrying anyone, so that was impossible - until the age change. I could receive my endowments!
I understood suddenly why God had led me like he had - He was preparing me, keeping my path clear of things that would take me away from that purpose. Only He knew I would have this opportunity of a mission right now!
I am so grateful that He has plans for us - I know He does. We just have to seek them and endure righteously until He reveals them to us.

Did you always want to serve a mission?
No!!! No, no, no! It scared me! 

I am more of a natural introvert. I do NOT talk to strangers, I don't knock on stranger's doors, I am not a public speaker, and I HATE skirts and dresses. I wear them on Sunday, but EVERY DAY sounded... painful. Haha. 

I felt like 21 was so far away there was nothing to worry about, so I never really thought about it, actually. I thought, "Oh, maybe if I'm not married, that'd be a good thing to do", but I was never serious. Of all things I did not want to do, it was go on a mission. Sad, I know!!

But I DID know that ANYTHING God asked me to do, I would. So, when he asked me to go on a mission, I said, "You bet!" and got started. It doesn't scare me anymore (well, maybe a little). I am excited.

So, I didn't ALWAYS want to serve, but the more I learned about the gospel, the more I wanted to share. In the couple of years before the announcement, the gospel had started to mean more and more to me, and I told Heavenly Father one day that I just wanted to teach everyone the gospel. And, I guess He took that seriously!! Now that I know that it is His will, and that He will help me be adequate enough, I am more than willing and PUMPED to get out there!!

Where did you want to be called?
Anywhere. Literally. People always asked me, and I said, ANYWHERE. It would have been FUN to go to Europe, but I didn't decide to serve a mission to have fun - I decided to serve the Lord. My heart and mind was open to wherever I was assigned by revelation, because I knew that it would be the right place for me.

Was your call surprising? How did you feel about it?
Yes and no... haha. I'm so decisive. 
I opened and read, "Massachusetts Boston Mission". And, I was like, "What??" But suddenly, it felt like I had always known that was where I would go. It felt almost perfect. I was a little sad that I wouldn't be going somewhere they spoke Spanish, because I REALLY felt that I would learn Spanish on my mission. Then I thought to look at what language I would be serving in, and it said, "Spanish". Best moment of my life!! I didn't even know they HAD Spanish speaking missionaries in Boston. Coolest thing EVER. I should never have doubted!

Share an interesting missionary experience or story.
I don't know that I have one... I have always taken the opportunity to share the gospel with others - at Girls' State, at Summer Camps, etc, but recently, I came across a site of a Christian minister in Pakistan, who was working to distribute Bibles and bring Christ to the people of the largely Islamic Pakistan. He noted that he held "anti-cult" meetings to teach people about the evil cult of Mormonism. Well, that sort of upset me, haha. I tried to leave it alone, but something kept saying, "Nicole, say something." 

So, I did... I sent him a message letting him know that I was a member of The Church and asked him why he taught our church was a cult, and where he had studied Mormonism. I told him that I was willing to answer any questions he had about Mormons. 

He messaged me back to tell me he had nothing against Mormon people, just their cult, and that he had studied for many years. No details, though. He then told me that he had some 'anti-Mormon literature' that if I REALLY wanted to know the truth, he could send it to me.

Well, so much for having questions to answer!! However, I sent a reply back, and was able to let him know that we are not a cult. I invited him to attend a Mormon meeting (and to see that it wasn't as different from his own religion as he thought) and informed him that I could not accept his offer to read his 'anti' literature to know the 'truth': I would only read things that were 'virtuous, lovely, of good report, and praiseworthy'. I told him that my source of truth was God, and that He is where I looked for a confirmation of the what is correct.
I was able to bear my testimony of revelation and the Spirit of God. I also invited him to read the Book of Mormon. I told him that if he wanted to know the truth about our church, and if it really was a cult, all he had to do was read the Book of Mormon and pray sincerely about it, and God would tell him the "truth of all things". 

I haven't heard back; I'm assuming he's uninterested. But I gave him a reply only after much prayer, so I hope that it fulfilled a purpose in the Lord, although I don't know what it was.

It was a neat chance to have.

Why are you serving?
I am serving because I know it's the Lord's will for me. I am serving because I WANT to serve him. I am also serving, because I know how important the gospel is. We, of all men on earth, have the greatest reason to rejoice! We know EXACTLY what the plan is for us, and what our eternal goals are. We know how to get there. We have pure, plain, eternal truths. And our mandate is to take that to the world so that each person can have their chance to accept the gospel and learn what the Atonement means for them, and the happiness, direction, and peace that they can find NOW. It is beautiful, and essential to the salvation of each soul. That is why I am serving.

Any advice for future sisters or girls still deciding?
Well, PRAY PRAY PRAY, of course. 
Know that not going doesn't make you any less of a person. 
You DON'T have to follow the crowd. You don't even have to go at 19. 
But DO know that a mission will never ever NOT bless you. You will not miss out on blessings or life because you went on a mission. 
Also, Determine WHY you want to serve. Is it for you? Is it to see the world? Is it because everyone else is going and you feel pressure? Or is it because you are converted and have a strong testimony, and you want to share? Is it because the Lord would have you go? Make sure that you do things for the right reason.

Any other thoughts?
Just my mission scripture. It describes my feelings about the gospel: I am filled with joy and the knowledge that everything I will ever be is only thanks to God, and through His Son. :)
- Alma 26:11-12, 35-36 -
…I do not boast in my own strength, nor in my own wisdom.
Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things.
… Yea, and my joy is carried away, even unto boasting in my God; for he has all power, all wisdom, and all understanding; he comprehendeth all things, and he is a merciful Being …to those who will repent.
If this is boasting, even so will I boast; for this is my life and my light, my joy and my salvation, and my redemption.

--Sister Nicole Laudie

This lucky lady's got just 2 weeks left before her report date! Good luck to her! :) 
For more information on the Massachusetts Boston Mission, check out Sister Jacobsen's mission blog!


As Sisters in Zion: Sister Cooley

I realized I didn't link to Mo's last post! You can find it here! Anyway, I was going to post this yesterday, then ended up shopping for luggage/shoes/other necessities all day... It was kind of sad, haha. Here it is though!

Sister Emma Cooley
Called to serve in the Argentina Mendoza Mission

"Hey sisters!! I thought I'd tell you a little about me before I get into this Q/A business. :) My name is Emma Cooley. I live in good ol' Boise, Idaho. I am a hipster wanna be. I have an unhealthy love for sushi, cheese, and tater tots (but not together. gross!). I spend an embarrassing amount of money in thrift stores. And I am going to be a missionary in 37 days!!! :)"

Did the age change affect you? If yes, how long did it take you to decide to go?
Um, heck yes it affected me!! I turned 19 about 7 weeks after conference. I had the next four years planned out perfectly. I was working on getting ready for nursing school at BYU-I and pretending not to wait for a missionary. I knew how I wanted things to work out and it felt good to finally feel in control. And then Saturday morning Conference came. And those plans completely fell apart. After hearing the announcement, I was in complete shock. Immediately, I felt like someone had said "I need YOU and I need you NOW." And I panicked. Me?! A missionary?! No. I refused to think about it. I think I even actually said "no" out loud. I excused myself to make cinnamon rolls for my roommates and cry. While I kneaded the dough (probably a little more roughly than I needed to....) I came up with every. single. excuse. why I shouldn't serve a mission. And with every one, I got sicker and sicker. I seriously thought I was going to throw up. (sorry... TMI?) I eventually went back to watching conference and came back just in time for Elder Anderson's talk. As he spoke about trials of faith, I realized that I was needed. Immediately, everything fell into place. I was filled with excitement to serve. My call came 12 days before my birthday, and everything felt perfect. And I have never looked back since!
Did you always want to serve a mission? Why/Why not?
So, don't judge me. But I thought missions were for people who didn't get married.... Sorry!! But I honestly thought that I would be married (or at least on my way) before I turned 21. So missions were always going to come when I was a little old lady.
Where did you want to be called? Why?
I've had some health challenges in the last few years, and I figured that those would keep me stateside. But, if I were able to go foreign, I hoped to go somewhere "awesome" so that I could brag about my mission call. I actually had several dreams that I got called to the Finland Helsinki mission, so I thought that was a possibility.

Was your call surprising? How do you feel about it?
First of all, seeing that big white envelope for the very first time.... there are not words to describe. I was completely surprised at being called to the Argentina Mendoza mission. In the video, you can actually see on my face when I skip ahead and see where I am going.... my eyes get HUGE and I swear my heart leaped out of my chest!!
Share an interesting missionary experience or story.
Hmmmm. I think one of the biggest missionary experiences I had was actually during Conference weekend. I had a friend from high school that was visiting me in Rexburg. She isn't a member but has always been fine with my mormon-ness. She woke up just after the Saturday morning session finished- I was a tearful, snotty mess (sorry.. more TMI?). She thought someone died. Hahaha :) I explained that they had changed the ages for missionaries and that I felt very strongly like I was going to serve. I was SUUUUUPER nervous to know how she would take this, but she was SO incredibly supportive and excited. That night, we went to Idaho Falls to celebrate. We drove to the temple and went to the visitors center. It was neat to have an opportunity to explain to her what I would be doing for 18 months and some of the things I would be teaching. She has been very excited and has asked more questions than I think she would have.
Why are you serving?
Um. Because I was told to. I know that probably sounds lame, and I am excited, but I really don't know if I have an actual reason yet. I think the closest I have to a "reason" is that Heavenly Father loves me. And to know that makes my life more complete. If I can help someone else understand that there is a God, a Father in Heaven who loves them and who cares about them and who wants them back, then I will have done my job.
Any advice for future sisters or girls still deciding?
Future sisters: hang in there. I know how tough it gets. And how it feels like time stops. But just keep hanging on!!! If you need support, reach out to the girls on the facebook page! Talk to other RSM (returned sister missionaries) in your ward/family. Hang in there!!!! He needs you to serve him. Read Elder Holland's talk from October 2012.
Girls still deciding: Pray your hearts out. If you still don't know, pray more. Study it out in your mind. And be willing and ready to accept the answer you get. If the answer is "no" or "not yet" accept it and keep going. If the answer is "yes" then accept it and get going! Either way, say thank you and continue to rely on Heavenly Father. He knows the way. I pinky promise.
Other thoughts?
For those of you who stuck through the whole thing, congratulations!! You get a prize. That prize is called.... feelings of accomplishment. If you have questions/comments/happy thoughts, leave a comment. Otherwise, go get yourself some tater tots. Hoorah for Israel!!!
--Sister Emma Cooley

To find out more about the Argentina Mendoza Mission, check out President and Sister Avila's mission blog!


As Sisters In Zion: Sister Thorn

Sister Cortney Ragene Thorn
Called to serve in the Baltic Mission

Did the age change effect you?
No, I am 23 so the age change had no effect on me. I am super excited to see all of these young sisters going out, and I am happy that I will get to share in their enthusiasm to serve.

Did you always want to serve a mission? Why/why not?
I am a convert to the church and was baptized of March 17th last year. Once I started teaching with the missionaries I knew that serving was definitely something that I wanted to do. I spent 5 years trying to find a church that was right for me, and have visited about every church you can think of, so when I finally found the gospel, I knew it was something I had to share with others. Before joining this church I went on multiple short term mission trips and have always loved teaching and helping others.

Where did you want to be called? Why?
After I submitted my papers, I never prayed for a specific location, I only prayed for a challenge and that God would show me the meaning of what it means to fully rely on him. I wanted to learn a language but I didn't really care which one.

Was your call surprising? How do you feel about it?
Yes! I was so excited. I had not even thought of the Baltic Mission as a place that I could serve and had never heard of Estonian. As soon as I read my letter I had such an amazing sense of peace. I knew that this was the perfect location for me, and that I will be able to share the gospel with all of the people of Estonia. The more I read about the mission the better I felt. God had listened to everyone of my prayers and my mission call showed me that.

Share an interesting missionary experience or story.
I was baptized in England, while working on my masters degree, so I would go out teaching with the missionaries quite often. I remember one of the first times I went street contacting running into someone of a different religion. While the Elders were rather quiet, I struck up a conversation, and the topic changed to the old testament. Because I had studied religion in university and taken multiple old testament classes I was able to combine OT scriptures with a few from the Book of Mormon, while I shared with her how important temples were to our church. It was then when I realized that God uses our strengths to speak to the hearts of men. After meeting her that day we were able to invite her to receive a few of the lessons and she was eventually baptized. It was so amazing to see that even though I didn't have the best knowledge of the Book of Mormon, I was still able to help her explain things by using my testimony and the Bible. 

Why are you serving?
I am serving because I know how happy I am to be a member of the church. Getting baptized was one of the best decisions I had ever made. After years of searching for the truth I am so ready (and excited) to share it with others.

Any advice for future sisters or girls still deciding?
Advice? Hum... Pray about it! Don't let anyone make the decision for you because if you do not have a desire you will not be happy and you will not be as successful. Once you decide to go, don't let Satan get you down, because he will try and try and try! I know from experience how hard it is once those papers have been sent.

--Sister Cortney Thorn

For more information on the Baltic Mission, check out Elder and Sister Davis' blog (they're a senior CES missionary couple)! Make sure to check out Morgan's latest feature as well! :)


if you haven't seen this...

You should. I might have cried like a little baby... I'll never tell...

Just kidding, I totally bawled.

I feel so honored to be a part of it all. What an incredible thing to be a part of - it is so amazing to me that I am able to be one of the first. One of the flood - I go in the first real week of foreign missionaries who put papers in after the age was changed. Everything with my papers went so smoothly... There's a reason I'm going when and where I'm going... And that is so cool to me!

On another note, you guys, it is so amazing to me how many people have answered the call to serve.

The ages were not changed for convenience.
The ages were changed to hasten this work.
This is so much bigger than, "Sweet! I get to go on a mission two years earlier than I thought I could!"
This means that the Lord wants His gospel spread now.
It means that the world is ready for the work to go forth rapidly.

Wow. These next few years will bring many miracles, I think.

Hope you enjoyed the video! I know I did!

PS I only have 30 days left! Wednesday it'll be four weeks exactly!


Well, I've snazzed things up a bit around here... I like it pretty well! I think I'm probably done, at least for a while. I may tweak one or two things here and there, but I think it's pretty user-friendly now... Lemme know if you find any problems so I can fix 'em! 


As Sisters in Zion: Sister Fastle

Mmm sorry this didn't get posted on Thursday! I work from 3:30 to midnight on weekdays and it makes me forget stuff... Often... Haha.
Anyway, this cute sister here is leaving next Wednesday! Good luck to her! :)

Sister Ashley Fastle
Called to serve in the Utah Salt Lake City South Mission

Did the age change affect you?
It did not affect me age wise, but it was the final "push" that I needed to go. Going on a mission was something that I never, ever planned, so making the Lord's will my will was a really big challenge for me. It took about year to finally submit my mission papers. The Lord's timing is everything.

Did you always want to serve a mission? Why/why not? 
I never wanted to serve a mission. Growing up, they were not cool in my mind. I never went to seminary, could quote scriptures or had a big testimony. I then went through some pretty significant trials and all that changed for me. I had perfect attendance in all of my Institute classes, started to feast on the word of God, and really developed my own Testimony. There is a saying that goes "Write your plans down in pencil, so God can erase them and put something in pen." I know my Heavenly Father has the most amazing plan for me. I just need to put my trust in Him.

Where did you want to be called? Why? 
When I submitted my papers, I realized that I was not going foreign because of health issues. That was something that was hard to adjust with. I really want to go and see the world, but I knew that was not the reason why I was submitting my papers. I wanted to be called to the South Carolina mission with all of my heart. My whole life I have had a very big fascination and almost obsession with the South. I just really wanted an excuse to say "y'all" every five minutes.

Was your call surprising? How do you feel about it? 
Two things I told myself growing up were, 1, I would never ever serve a mission and 2, I would never ever under any circumstances live in Utah. I honestly cried when I received my mission call. I thought there is no way I am going to spend 18 months in Utah. I have too many friends there, It's so cold, and nooo. But, I accepted my mission call and I have accepted it in my heart and I know that this is where the Lord needs me and I love it. The Lord knows both my strengths and my weakness. I know I will do great things there. 

Share an interesting missionary experience or story. 
After I received my mission call, I started to doubt myself. I knelt down and my asked my heavenly father in humble prayer if I was doing the right thing by going on a mission. As soon as I said "amen", the phone rang and it was my stake president telling me that I my report date was being pushed up a month. Heavenly Father hears our prayers and he answers them. 

Why are you serving? 
It's not some huge reason. It's quite simple actually. The Gospel makes me happy, really happy and I just want other's to know how much they are loved by their Heavenly Father. 

Any advice for future sisters or girls still deciding? 
Be a missionary now. Do not wait until you wear a name tag. You can do so much now for people who don't have the knowledge that we have. While I was working on my mission papers, my best friend was baptized. It was the most wonderful experience and such a testimony builder on how the Gospel changes lives. I will need that on the mission field. 

Any other thoughts? 
D&C 15:6 " And now, Behold I say unto you, that the thing which will be the most worth unto you will be to declare repentance unto the people, that you may bring souls unto me, that you may rest with them in the kingdom of my father. Amen" 

-- Sister Ashley Fastle

You can visit this cute Sister on her blog here! To learn more about the Utah Salt Lake City South Mission, you can check out the mission blog here! Little trivia for ya - this mission is one of the highest baptizing missions in the church. True story! Neat, huh? 

Let me know if you'd like to be featured! I need more!


Dit is mijn geliefdeZoon

"... zag ik recht boven mijn hoofd een lichtkolom, de helderheid van de zon overtreffend, die geleidelijk neerdaalde tot zij op mij viel... Toen het licht op mij rustte, zag ik twee Personen, wier glans en heerlijkheid elke beschrijving tarten, boven mij in de lucht staan. Een van Hen sprak tot mij, mij bij de naam noemend, en zei, wijzend op de ander: Dit is mijn geliefdeZoon. Hoor Hem!"

And that, my friends, is Joseph's account of his First Vision in Dutch. I just have to figure out how to say it...


As Sisters In Zion: Sister Killian

So I actually know this lovely lady personally! She is a wonderful person, plus she's hilarious, and a fantastic example of what a Latter-day Saint should be! She will be a great missionary! :)
Make sure to also check out the other sisters who have been posted on Mo's blog, and for the others who have been posted 'round these parts, click here!

Sister Tasha Mae Killian
Called to serve in the Peru Lima East Mission

Did the age change affect you? 
Yes and no. No because I turned 21 three days before the announcement and yes because now I get to serve with lots of ladies younger than I and share my "old lady wisdom" with the younger sisters!
Did you always want to serve a mission? Why/why not? 
Nope. I thought I would move to Utah to get married. Seriously that was the plan. Haha! But instead of marrying my future husband, I met a lot of sister missionaries and began thinking about serving. I took it to The Lord and he said "yep, I need you to serve." So, almost exactly two years before I'm scheduled to head to Peru, I decided to serve.
Where did you want to be called? Why? 
Narnia or Gotham City. The people of Narnia are ready to hear the gospel and the people of Gotham City really need it. {Haha :) }
Was your call surprising? How do you feel about it? 
I had a strong feeling I'd be speaking Spanish. When I read Peru, I felt like it was home. I've never been there, but it just feels like home.
Share an interesting missionary experience or story. 
My best friend is a convert. He was baptized when he was 20 right before I met him. His dad is a member but not active. One day, while his parents were in town, they met the elder who baptized him. His father shook this Elder's hand and thanked him for all he's done for his son. It was such a cool thing! I love that the gospel changes lives and brings so much into the families. My best friend is now in Russia helping others find the gospel the way he has! 
Why are you serving? 
I want nothing more than to let others know about our Savior and the love he has for them. I know I'm loved and that I am a child of God and I want others to know that too.
Any advice for future sisters or girls still deciding? 
First PRAY. seriously prayer is the number one way you'll be able to know. Second, go with your local missionaries, be a ward mission, and search out missionary experiences. The Lord will help you know if a full time mission I'd for you while you learn to serve.

Any other thoughts? 
My call has been changed a few times, never where I'm serving, just when. My mission has been postponed a month. It's nuts, but I've learned The Lord is in control. Seriously he's the one in charge. He knows where when and how you're needed. Trust his plan. The guy knows what he's doing! Faith is so important and I promise if you will do your best to learn to trust, you'll feel the confirmation and joy that comes from knowing the decisions you've made are what's best!

"And it came to pass that after I had prayed and labored with all diligence, the Lord said unto me: I will grant unto thee according to thy desires, because of thy faith." --Enos 1:12

--Sister Tasha Killian

Sister Killian leaves next Wednesday, the 13th, so good luck to her! For more information on the Peru Lima East Mission, check out Elder Van Komen's blog



As Sisters In Zion: Sister Ervin

All righty! Here's the next sister! :) If you would like to be featured, you can message me on Facebook, email me at, or just comment on this post and I'll get you the questions! You can also contact Mo of xoxo, mo :)

Sister Ellen Ervin
Called to serve in the Italy Milan Mission

Did the age change affect you?
As far as timing goes, the age change didn’t affect me. However, it has greatly touched my heart to see how many wonderful women have jumped at the opportunity to serve as soon as possible. 
The day the announcement was made, I was working through conference. It was a terrible day at work and I was training to new workers on one of our busiest days. I ended up having to stay late to help them out and by the time I was on my way home, I wasn’t really in the mood to be happy about anything. Because I was stuck in my own little miserable bubble, I didn’t realize how my mom’s face was filled with joy. She finally said, “Ellen are you ready to hear one of the most incredible announcements I have every heard the Prophet make?” She started to cry as she recalled to me the changes and the spirit that she felt.

At first I was just stunned and I didn’t really know how to react. I looked down at my phone and realized I had dozens of messages from friends sharing the news. I pulled up the video of conference so I could hear the announcement in the Prophet’s own words. I will never forget the spirit I felt as he said those precious words. Although it did not change when I would be serving, it is giving me the opportunity to serve with sisters I would not have otherwise. Already having talked to several sisters who I will serve alongside, I am so thankful that this change was made. Their faith is astounding and I am humbled by their beautiful testimonies.

Did you always want to serve a mission? Why/why not?
When I was a little girl, my mother worked in the church office building. I remember quite vividly coming to meet her at work and seeing the sisters on Temple Square. I wanted so much to be just like them, for their kindness was truly unparalleled. However, throughout high school my mind changed and I was more caught up in my future career. I also wasn’t confident in speaking about something that meant so much to me. It wasn’t easy for me to share something so close to my heart.

During my first year of college, one of my roommates was preparing to go on a mission. We were both music majors and so we spent much of our time together as almost all of our classes ended up being the same. As I watched her prepare and studied Preach My Gospel with her, I realized that I truly did want to go, but I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to. I would pray, read my Patriarchal Blessing, and then pray again, hoping the answer would jump out at me, but no answer came. Eventually I realized I was getting a very clear answer, I just didn’t comprehend it. It was my choice. The Lord was leaving the decision entirely up to me and either choice would be fine with him. I struggled, but because of the struggle, I knew serving was not only what I wanted, but also pleased the Lord.

Where did you want to be called? Why?
My first choice was Italy, specifically the Milan mission. I’ve studied opera extensively and am deeply inspired by the Italian composers. I didn’t think I’d ever get called to serve in a place that meant so much to me. I didn’t tell anyone I wanted to go to Italy, because I felt if I talked about it too much, it would never happen.

When people asked me where I wanted to serve I would tell them my second choice, Ireland. I always thought serving in a place your ancestors came from would be very spiritual. 

Was your call surprising? How do you feel about it?
When I read my call, I couldn’t process it. In fact, if you watch the video, you will realize I have trouble saying it. I have been called to serve in the Italy Milan Mission. There are not words to express how grateful I am and how blessed I feel. My nonmember family and friends could not believe the Stake President and Bishop did not recommend me to serve in Italy. God knows us and he calls us to the place we are supposed to go.

Share an interesting missionary experience or story.
My story serves more as an explanation of God’s ability to care for us at all times. He will watch over us as we serve as well as over those we are serving and he will guide each and everyday if we are doing our part.

I was on my way to Rexburg for my first semester of college. My mom came with me and we shared a very tender experience along the way. It was about four hours into our drive and we had another ten to go. We were coming up on a rest stop and a few miles before my mom and I both decided we didn’t want to stop. I realized she turned and I was confused. She told me she just decided she needed to stop. I didn’t realize think much about it and we got out of the car. While we were walking towards the restroom, we came to a fork in the sidewalk and I decided to take the long way around. We were walking up the hill and I saw something next to the picnic table. It was a tiny little kitten with a leash stuck underneath the bench. The kitten was obviously malnourished and as I sat down next to it, it jumped in my lap. My mom went to find some water and some crackers. The kitten drank the water within seconds. As my mom sat next to me I just looked at her with tears in my eyes. She simply said, “ok.”

We took the kitten with us. We didn’t know what we were going to do with the kitten but we couldn’t just leave her there. It was kind of a scary thing, because we were going 800 miles and we wouldn’t be going through any big cities for another 500 miles so we didn’t know how we were going to find a place for her. A few miles down the road there was an exit that didn’t look very promising, but I asked my mother to get off anyway. We found a gas station and bought some cat food. My mother asked if they knew of any animal shelters around and it turns out there was one a few miles down the road. We got there, however the shelter didn’t open for another hour. We decided to wait, because we didn’t know how long it would be before we found another place to stop.

About fifteen minutes after stopping another car drove up. It was a volunteer at the shelter and they went ahead and let us drop off the kitten. While we drove away I started to cry. I knew that God had given me this opportunity because I needed to know he would look out for me. We weren’t going to stop, but we did. We followed the spirit and we not only found a kitten but also a place to take it within an hour. It seems like such a simple story, but it has great significance for me. As we leave to serve the Lord, there will be many times we don’t feel adequate or we feel downtrodden. In those times the Lord will always lift us up. When we do what we can, he will always supply the res

Why are you serving?
I am a very lucky person. My mom had great friends who shared the church with her. The first time, she wasn’t ready to hear it, but a few years later she was and those first experiences built upon her testimony. Because of this, I have grown up with a loving parent who always strove to give me a solid foundation. It is my hope that in some small way, I am able to give hope to those who might be searching for answers.

Any advice for future sisters or girls still deciding?
Pray often. Realize that this is a decision between you and the Lord. Yes, listen to the advice of your family and friends, because they know you well. But don’t ever feel like you have to serve because others expect you to.

Go to the temple as often as you possibly can. Before you receive your endowments, go do baptisms. Go and pray while you’re there. You will feel closer to the Lord in the temple then you will anywhere else. It may well be at this time you are able to decide whether you truly want to go. After you receive your endowments, keep going. This will bring you great strength and you will need all the strength you can get.

Any other thoughts?
"Faith is the power, obedience is the price, love is the motive, the Spirit is the key and Christ is the reason.” – President Faust

--Sister Ellen Ervin

You can keep up with Sister Ervin on her blog here! For more information on the Italy Milan Mission, you can also check out President and Sister Wolfgramm's blog for the mission here!

The next post will be sometime next week! Not sure when yet, but it'll come! :)