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Double Redemption Weeks

Ahhhh it's super crazy how time has sped up the last few weeks! I feel like it was just barely P-day!
What a jam-packed week. We had exchanges with Gouda on Tuesday. I went with Sister Mizell, and was reminded how much I love working with previous companions. The unity that you had when you were companions is always still there. It's really cool, because every companion is so much different, so it's fun to be reminded, I guess. We had some good lessons and some good conversations as well. I love her a lot! It's just weird to think that we'll both be gone in a couple of weeks.
Wednesday we switched back at zone conference, which was marvelous. We were glad we got to figure out travel for the Elder Ballard Conference next week - don't want to be late for that! Anyway, it was neat to have the opportunity to give my "dying testimony". I kind of dreaded it because I knew it'd be hard, and that it'd just make me emotional (especially with Sister Larsen and Sister Mizell going after me, and then a beautiful musical number), but I love testifying because the Spirit always testifies to me! I was just reminded of the fact that the Atonement covers everything - not just the big stuff. And even though it's been hard getting to know myself really well on my mission, I think it'll help me develop a lot of strengths in the rest of my mission on earth.
We've been doing more service for members, which is great! Really building up those relationships. Our agenda also exploded with dinner appointments for the next few weeks! It'll be great to spend some good quality time building the members up.
We struggled number-wise this week. I hate getting discouraged but it's been really hard to keep myself from it the last few weeks. I've resolved to repent though - We deemed the next 2.5 weeks "double redemption week," and we're planning on doing everything we can to help Utrecht GROW before next transfer! So. I'm excited for that. :)
Hs. and Me. came to church yesterday! As did a bunch of other non-members. I'm really excited for these next few weeks... I can just feel that they're going to be wonderful!
OH also, it was marvelous to take the sacrament again! :)
Sister Anjewierden

Sinterklaas stuff already on shelves! Yes, I can stock up!
Splits with the zone leaders. Love these guys!

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