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Hup Holland Hup!

How's the US doing in the World Cup? Nederland is doing pretty well, I hear. Haha. Everything is decked out in World Cup decorations over here and it's super fun. :)
WHOA there's a lot to say and I've got like NO time. Which really just means I will probably end up not saying half of it. But here we go!
I'm excited to be staying here in Utrecht with Sister Verdegem. I'm excited to become better friends with her and to really get the work here moving! :)
The biggest and greatest news of this week is that Li. came to church!!! With Gi. and La. :) Which was a big deal, because her husband continues to not be supportive, and he's the one with the car, so she biked, and the Muurlings saved the day and picked up La. and Gi. She said the most sincere prayer after Gospel Principles - lots about how she was so glad that she chose to come and she hopes that her husbands heart will be softened so that they can be unified and go to church as a family! She's amazing - I am constantly in awe of her faith. Gi. is doing much better, luckily. Apparently he has sickle cell attacks like every three to four months, so while it wasn't nice, it wasn't anything new for them. He's the cutest kid. He loved church! Especially primary, but even sacrament meeting! He's one of the coolest 6-year-olds that I know :)
Ha. would like to come to church, which is a big deal, seeing as the first time we asked him he was very lukewarm about it. Something along the lines of "I'll think about it... Maybe..." But now he wants to come! We've found him a ride for this coming Sunday and are praying that everything will work out so that he can get there! He's still got tons of questions, but we re-invited him to be baptized and he paused before saying "Yes, if I know it's true." So his progress isn't quick, but it's definitely there!
Jy. has disappeared again. It's really frustrating to try and get ahold of people who have no credit on their phone to call you with, because the only way it'll work is if they answer when you call! So. Crazy. We're still trying.
Sister Verdegem and I did a musical number this week - "My Soul Hungered", which is a Seminary song from the Book of Mormon year. It's about Enos and it's so good! On the note (haha) of Enos, my prayers have been drastically better this week. But still need to be better! Still working on it. Also, we're working on getting the members to read Preach My Gospel and I'm convinced that it's going to bring about MIRACLES here!
I've decided that I need to magnify my calling better this upcoming transfer. I've been coming up with some ideas as to how I can do that and I'm excited to implement those with the sisters! It's really going to be a great transfer, I can feel it. :)
Zuster Anjewierden

Sister Hoff and I got egged....Really.
Sister Brophy and I made banana bread while stuck in our apt. during the world cup game.

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