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Allergies are worse than colds!

June 2
Can't believe it's June already. My allergies are going crazy... But I'm sure loving this weather, despite the fact that my sinuses aren't! For that reason, I'd really love some rain.
It's amazing how quickly P-days fly by. There's just so much to do! We took our time studying this morning, which was great, but it sure makes for a crazy rest of the day. I'm glad that we have so much structure - it's just another thing that reminds me that this work is run by Heavenly Father. He's got it all figured out. It's so cool!
Let's see... Had a great exchange with Sister Hoff this week! We found some cool potentials in Gouda and had this great dinner appointment with the bishop and his wife there. His wife told us their conversion stories and wow. I love hearing peoples' conversion stories. They're always so powerful! Then on Wednesday we went on splits with Sister Brophy and Sister Kohlert in Capelle aan den Ijssel and that was really cool. I'm so impressed with them - they've taken all of this moving in and out of the apartment like champions. It was weird for Sister Verdegem since Sister Brophy served in Gent for six months before Sister Verdegem came on her mission! She said she almost felt like a regular member again. I can imagine that would be super strange!
Other than that... We've been really trying to build up better relationships with the members of the ward! They're so great and we would love to get them going on joint teach with us more because they really add incredible amounts of input, and they just testify with the Spirit! It's awesome. We had some really great lessons with members present this week, a couple of which were with Jy, and they were really incredible.
Speaking of Jy, he came to church yesterday! And also, he's going to talk to his boss about changing his shift on Sundays so that he can come every week! We're trying to figure out how to help him get to Stake Conference this next week. But my favorite thing about Jy this week is that he shared his testimony with us on Friday. About the Book of Mormon. He talked about how there are so many simple truths in it that answer questions he's had for a long time. Especially Bible-related questions that confused him because of the many translations of the bible. So that was really neat. He's really excited to be baptized on the 21st!
Well, other than that... Li. is doing great! I wasn't there for the appointment with her but Sister Verdegem and Sister Rosenlof invited her to be baptized on June 21st! Which is super cool. We're going to have to change that day because she's got to be able to come to church enough, plus her husband isn't being super supportive so we're hoping that will change with time and prayers. But! She wants to be baptized. She knows we were sent to her!
Okay I know there were other things I wanted to say but I gotta go. But I love you all! Have a great time on the road and in Nauvoo and stuff! :) Think of me lots ;)
Sister Anjewierden

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