Well, I once complained about typing on a French keyboard and now I'm struggling on an English one. The irony! :)
After some bittersweet goodbyes with members and investigators in Turnhout, I made it safely back up to the low lands! It is going well thus far. Things are definitely different and I'm a little homesick for Flemish and for Turnhout, but I am excited for the love I know I will develop for Utrecht! The birthplace of my grandfather! So neat. That said, the work is certainly also different here, but I am really excited to work here with Sister Brown. I LOVE Sister Brown, and I have full confidence that we are going to see incredible things this transfer.
We have this incredible new investigator, Fa., who is now on date to be baptized on the 17th of May. She is so cool! She's from Sierra Leone and has seen SO much sorrow in her life, but she's such a trooper. She has the cutest little four-year-old son, Gl. She is really excited to be baptized, and loves to hear about the gospel! She even helped us contact this Bulgarian lady at the bus stop. She told her that the church was beautiful and that "it's only 3 hours long!" Seriously - super neat lady.
Well... Not a ton more to say right now. General conference was incredible, and I loved being able to see a couple of old friends from Dordrecht! Sa. and Brother De. were there! Also Sister D. D. and Ta. and a couple of others. So cool! I won't lie, conference made me a little bit trunky. It's weird to think that the next time I watch it I'll be home...
I loved the themes of Christlike love and defending faith that were throughout all of conference. It was an amazing conference, truly! I'm excited to hear the last session. My favorite talk was probably President Uchtdorf's talk on Gratitude. I want to strive to be better at being grateful IN and not for my circumstances. I think I'll make that a goal this transfer.
New address is:
Dr Max Euwestraat 10
3554 EZ Utrecht
Love you so much! Have a great week. :)
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