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Amazing week!!!


Whaaat a week. It seems like it was really long as I look back on it. Not sure why! Maybe just because so much happened. We taught 24 lessons to investigators this week! And the thing is... There was still plenty of time to do other things! It's incredible how that happens. 

Well, very first is that Jb. called us on Tuesday! He is doing very well. He talked to his mother about getting baptized and says that he thinks about it all the time. Also he's staying out of trouble and talking to all his friends about the gospel. I love that man so much. He is truly a shining example of the redeeming and changing power of the Atonement and living the gospel.

We thoroughly enjoyed being able to cheer Sl. on during his soccer game Saturday night. He is a champion in so many ways. He also came to family home evening with us this week and he loved it. I am so grateful that we have become not just his guides and teachers but his friends! It's so much easier to teach people and not just lessons when you're friends with them. I'm grateful for the charity that I am able to feel for so many people as I teach them the gospel. It really is like nothing else.

I loved my exchange with Sister Meier on Thursday in Gent! We had a good time and spent some time with some neat reactivated ladies. It was great! While I was gone, Sister Mizell and Sister Watkins tore it up in Turnhout and taught 7 lessons in one day. One of them was with Ty. It was about Priesthood blessings and he said he would like one and Brother Van Kerckhoven was more than willing to give him one, so he did. I hear that it was beautiful – Ty. was promised that an answer will come. And Ty. believes it! You can see it in his actions now! It's super neat to see how he's been changed just by faith that an answer WILL come.

We have a new baptismal date and he is SO neat. His name is Dl., he's the son of Ea. He's 19 and he's SO sincere. He came to church yesterday and then we taught him a lesson on the Restoration afterwards. It was so good. At the end we committed him to April 26th and he said yes, but he was concerned about still sinning afterward. It was such a sincere question! We explained a little bit more about the atonement, and about how baptism is the gate. He seemed excited about it all. :) We have another appointment with him on Wednesday, but hopefully he'll come to family home evening tonight!

-I was thinking about Cherie Call this week and man. Sometimes I reaaaaally miss all the great cheesy LDS music that I can't listen to. That stuff brings the Spirit super strong! We heard a Hillary Weeks song (Beautiful Heartbreak, look up the Youtube video if you haven't already, it has Stephanie Nielsen in it and it's SO GOOD) on Saturday at a Relief Society activity and wow. I teared up straightaway.
-We played Egyptian Ratslap with Sl. and it was hilarious. He's SUPER competitive.
-I love Ether 12. It's SO good. Especially verse 27. I have to remind myself sometimes that seeing my weaknesses is HELPING me.
-I cannot believe that I reach my year mark this week. I'm kind of freaking out. Sister Mizell extended so she has longer left than I do, so she doesn't even get it. haha. AH I have so little time left... So much to do before then!

Studying virtue this week has been great, and I really think that it all comes down to attitude. I love that in Preach My Gospel it says that virtuous people are QUICK to repent. I need to work harder on that! Being quick to change my ways to become better. I love Helaman 13:38 - We CHOOSE when the day of our salvation is. He's already atoned for us - we just have to accept it!

I'm so grateful I've been able to serve so long here in Turnhout. I've been able to see so many miracles here. What a blessed branch, and what prepared people!


Zuster Anjewierden

Us at Sl's soccer game!

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